Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy Chinese New Year!

With the winter weather approaching, it's a good time to remind you that the Children's Museum at Saratoga follows suit with the Saratoga Springs City School District with weather cancellations and delays. So, if you're planning a visit tomorrow, please watch our website or the school closings!

Putting together a tangram puzzle.

Chinese New Year begins this Thursday. To welcome the year of the rabbit, here's an activity we did at Tuesday for Tots that you can try at home. Tangrams, as these puzzles are called, were originally invented in China. Print the template below and cut apart the seven shapes along the lines. Then, try rearranging the shapes to form animals, buildings, or any thing your child imagines.

What kind of shapes can you put together? Making a template for your child to place the pieces might be helpful for younger children. Here are some animal ideas.

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