Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy Presidents' Day!

Happy belated birthday to Mr. Lincoln (his 202nd birthday was February 12) and early birthday wishes to Mr. Washington (he turns 279 years young tomorrow)! With the week off from school, now's a great to time engage your child in some civic duty. Try starting a conversation about presidents. Ask questions like, "would you want to be president?" or "what would you do if you were president?" Or, go through your loose change and talk about the people behind the faces on our money. Younger children might have fun sorting the coins too, building some early math skills.
At Story Art last week, we made presidential collages inspired by the book What President's Are Made Of by Hanoch Piven. In the book, Piven tells interesting facts about some of the presidents (did you know Thomas Jefferson once greeted important diplomats in his pajamas?) and with collages of materials that relate to each president. Collage art, because it is open-ended, is a great medium for expressing personality!

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